We have seen a high surge of depression, suicides, domestic violence, and so many related cases in India's lockdown period. If you are up with the news, you must have heard how actor Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide 4-5 days after his ex-manager did the same.
Now, the news is coming to the surface that even Sushant Singh Rajput’s sister-in-law died due to the shock and depression of his brother-in-law’s death.
Similarly, we have been witnessing how farmers in different parts of the country like West Bengal, Odisha, and Chhattisgarh are committing suicide because of the loss of harvest and produce.
We can say depression has increased and taken a toll on multiple people across the nation. Simultaneously, we have to keep our eyes and ears open now. We have to stop people from taking their own lives in one way or another. This is not the way to lead a life. So, if you are worried about your friends, family, and loved one’s mental health during the different COVID-19 situation in the country, read the strategical points to follow below:
Talk about it and your feelings openly
Most problems arise when we think we have no one to talk to. But’s that just our negative mind forming the judgment about others without having you to try at least a few times.
We have to learn to talk to people face to face. During the lockdown, you must speak to your friends, family, and colleagues as much as possible on video chat apps. It helps you feel that you are not alone. We all are in this together.
In short, this way, you get the sense of belonging back bit-by-bit, if you think you have been losing it.
Eat the right diet on right time
Do not take lock-down lightly. Follow a routine, and do not skip your meals. Have a proper diet with the nutrients it needs. Mostly, when our body is deprived of these nutrients, it then starts to stop functioning positively. That is when we get most of the negative thoughts in our heads. So, a proper diet can help you to break the chain of lethargy, negativity, and helplessness.
Drink plenty of water
Plenty of researchers have found that drinking adequate fresh and clean water helps fight the depression or lethargy in your body. So, ensure, when you are at home, you never miss drinking at least 3-5 litres of water daily.
Exercise daily
Be it yoga, dance, meditation, Zumba, walking/jogging/sprinting inside or around the house, never a miss a shot at it. Do it regularly. Follow in love with your exercising routines. If possible, do it with your family members, friends, or colleagues on video chat. It will make your life easier, even when you are living alone in a lock down
Besides that, exercising helps your red blood cells to regenerate. It also helps to shed the dead skin or opens up the closed pore on your body. It gives your body the oxygen to breathe and feel alive.
Let us know if you have any more ideas to maintain the mental well-being in these tough times.
For all the fans of Sushant Singh Rajput, his team has launched a website in his remembrance where they will share his ideas, visions and much more about him to keep him alive in our thoughts. Checkout https://www.selfmusing.com/ for #SSR was not just another actor he was a thinker, an environmentalist, an Engineer and a lot more things. Do you know about Sushant's 50 dreams?
Self musing means introspection about your own existence